Saturday, November 12, 2011

Task 23: Reflection

I dont consider myself to have a problem with self-directed learning. I was quite happy to work through this program at my own pace, although i did have problems with the previous verson, and lost interest quite quickly as i found some of the content out of date.
However, i really think the updated version of the program is so much better and more relevant. i was interested in pretty much all the new content, and i was able to work through it quite quickly. There were a number of things i hadnt previously known about, and a lot of things that i hadnt bothered to try out before. So i am most happy with the outcome of discovering new things.
The thing i dont really like is having to blog. it feels weird and i wouldnt be doing it if there was another option.

Thanks Jacob! :D

Friday, November 11, 2011

Task 19: Wi-fi and security

well, that was rather confusing. From what i read, a lot of the serious problems with Wi-fi from the early 2000s has now been overcome with more strict standards and certification from the Wi-Fi Alliance,, although this doesnt necessarily mean all wi-fi devices are certified. But the general majority are? So probably a good way to protect your security is to find out what devices are certified. Only products that complete Wi-Fi Alliance interoperability certification testing successfully may use the "Wi-Fi CERTIFIED" designation and trademark:

Another thing is to make sure you have a truly random passphrase of 13 characters (selected from the set of 95 permitted characters) - there is a list of the top 1000 SSIDs to avoid as well.
Despite all that though, from looking at the history of Wi-fi, what security works now, may well not work in a year or so, as people seem to be constantly finding new weaknesses.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Task 18: Podcasts

I havent ever really looked into podcasts before. Looking at the suggested i didnt really find anything interesting there, there was a lot of junk really, and i couldnt access iTunes for the moment to look for podcasts there, but i did some searching and i eventually found some stuff that is of interest to me so i have subscribed using Google Reader and i have downloaded the Android app Listen so i can listen to some podcasts on my phone. Should be good.
I looked into how to make a podcast, i know there is a open source program - that you can use to record and edit your session. I do not think ill give that a go though, as i feel i have not much of worth to say and i doubt my voice is a joy to listen to.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Task 8: Dashboards with Netvibes

This was interesting, i am still undecided about how useful this may be.
I created an account and made a dashboard and did a little customisation. I added widgets for Facebook, bookmarks, to-do lists, Evernote, Gmail, Delicious.
It could be ok, i do think it is more intuitive than a Newsreader. It is still a little confusing to use for some reason. May just be me. I will keep looking into it a bit more.
I couldnt find out if this had an app. I know it has a mobile site, but i think it would be a lot more convenient as an app. I searched the Android market place but there was nothing listed :(
I think my impression of the whole thing would be a lot better if i could use it as an app on my phone.
Oh yea, and it is EXTREMELY expensive to purchase the premium account :S who and why would you pay that much. I would hope their 'Intelligence - Smarter Social Analytics' is pretty freaking amazing...

Task 21: Twitter

Initially i was really apprehensive about joining Twitter, i had tried it for about 30 minutes a few years ago and really disliked it, but i tried it again anyhow, and it wasnt so bad.
Probably the only reason being that i chose to follow a number of accounts that were from organisations that i am interested in, as apposed to people who just carry on... and are boring.
So this was ok for me, easy to use too.
The trend thing was pretty interesting as well actually, and the way that it works.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Task 20: Mobile apps

I have a HTC - awesome because Android has so many free apps.
I am currently in the process of trying to download Skype, but it is taking way too long :P
I have a lot of games: Words, Angry Birds, cards, connect 4, sudoku, paper toss, battleflood, unblock me.
I probably couldnt survive without Google Maps app
Whatsapp, Evernote, Facebook...
I just wish my phone had more memory. Annoying thing about HTC is a lot of the apps wont save to the SD card :(

I also have an Ipad, although this is just a recent thing, I am getting it pimped out today with lots of cool things. I like the iBooks(?) app. Especially the free books you can get with it.

Task 17: Youtube

Yea - Youtube is pretty great :) lots of stuff there.

Task 12: Skype

Jeeze... Skpye it is over 10MB to download to my HTC :S
I am waiting for it to download anyway - its taking forever...

After downloading Skype to my phone, it looks like you cant make free calls from HTC (or possibly from the 3g network, not sure which one is causing me trouble). So i have eventually downloaded it to my iPad and convinced one of my friends to download it, and success. Although i couldnt have the sound on because i am at work, and she couldnt see my written dialogue. And her camera is on the back of her phone so that was kind of useless.

I think this was probably the most troublesome of the 23 things i have done. Obviously not good to use it on my phone, it takes a pretty huge chunk of memory and i cant make free calls and the camera is on the back. if i had a reason to use it, and i used it on my computer or iPad, and i used it more often it would probably be great.

Task 6: Pixlr

Psychotic kitty

Pixlr is awesome! Didnt know about this before. Fun and easy to use, lots of features :D

Task 16: Technorati

I m just not a big fan of this site. It doesnt appeal to me, i dont like the look of it, it looks outdated and cluttered or something, or the colour scheme is completely out of whack. Pretty superficial i know, but i cant get past it.
The only thing i like about this site is the 'State of the Blogosphere' section - full of interesting facts and pie charts on the demographics of bloggers :D

Task 14: Prezi

Task 13: Slideshare

Sounds great if you want to do this sort of thing. I personally can not think of any time i would use this. But it seems to have all the functionality youd want like compatibility with almost everything possible!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Task 4 - Google Maps & Docs

Having an Android phone I pretty much rely on Google maps to get me anywhere. I use it as a GPS. And if i am lost i can easily find out where i actually am. My only problem is it takes up so much memory on my phone.
I really like that you can choose to get directions by car or by walking, but the accuracy of lot of their directions are rather bad. often it will try to direct me in a nonsensical unnecessary loop.
But it still beats having nothing!

Google docs - i know of its existence. i have only used once before for work purposes. I just dont have a lot of reasons to use it. I think its a good product to have, there are lots of free document software on the net.

Task 3: Google everything

So now i am working from the newly updated 23 things :)

I wish i worked at Google. I love Google, i have an Adroid phone, i like the idea of easy free access. I dont have any problems with criticisms about Google. i think they're ok in the ethical department in their conduct as an organisation.
I have used quite a number of Google products; I have used Google Calendar for rostering at work in the past, it was very easy to use and the staff were able to access their roster from where ever.I ve tried iGoogle, but i just dont seem to stick with it, although it is a good concept.
I use Gmail regularly.
You tube, Google maps and Google books are pretty awesome.
I havent used Google+ yet, but i am pretty interested to look into it.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Task 22: Facebook and Myspace

I've had a facebook account for over 5 years, and its basically just a part of life for me. I have access with my smart phone so I am constantly up with whats going on with the people around me. I m friends with people that i work with so its sometimes good to get in touch with them as they seem to check their facebook more often than their emails :D
I like it probably because you can connect with people whenever and with minimal effort. sounds slack, but can i justify it by saying life is getting busier now days? i think im also just lazy.
I read that people from my generation consider themselves multitaskers, with importance on time efficiency. and i guess this is also explanative of why facebook has its relevance.
Its also cost effective sometimes, saves me having to call or text people, if i just log in and use facebook chat or messaging.
Some people may consider all these things negative, in that there is no real in-depth connection with people, or that you end up friends with people on facebook that you dont even like in real life. But i just think its convenient. and its there, and i use it. i dont even think about it anymore.

i ve also been on Myspace for a longer period of time, but i havent accessed it in 2 years - not so many of my friends are members and it seems to have a completely different appeal - its more music/entertainment orientated now days. doesnt appeal to me.